Get Inspired! EdTech for After School Enrichment

Get Inspired! EdTech for After School Enrichment
Photo by CDC / Unsplash

I've had the opportunity to collaborate with Greg Livingston since his days at Connected Camps. Greg connected over our shared vision to make after school or supplementary education accessible to all. Greg and I couldn't have two more different backgrounds. He grew up in the Yukon. I grew up in the Bay Area. But, we both grew up in environments where by access to learning activities beyond your typical school curriculum weren't readily available.

Connected Camps Game Design

After school activities are expensive. It takes upwards of 10 hours of free parental labor to get kids to and from activities. Families could easily spend up to an additional $500 a month in fees, equipment, and other items needed to participate. It isn't until Middle School where by sports and other activities become free to access. Greg's company, Inspire Social Learning, aims to make it easy for schools, organizations, and even parents to offer robust enrichment programs aligned to standards and complementary of academic work.  

I joined Inspire Social Learning as an advisor and have been working with Greg and his team on business and product strategy. When fully fleshed out, Inspire will provide an end-to-end solution for anyone to launch, manage, and maintain a robust enrichment program. Inspire provides robust curriculum, LMS, and support materials through their activity guides and kits.

Everything is organized by challenges that are grouped into easy to understand themes. Each theme has a set of workbooks that can be purchased for use in or outside the classroom. The workbooks provide enough activities to last a full academic year, but can easily be broken down into other organizational units (e.g. Summer Camp).

Teachers can use the web application to manage student work. Challenges are accompanied by resources that allow students to learn what they need to complete the challenge on their own and more detailed tutorial for teachers to be able to better help the kids.

The platform is in beta now and should be available for use soon. Working with Inspire has truly been inspiring (bad pun intended).