Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time

Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time
Photo by Robin Kutesa / Unsplash

We worked with the Population Council over several years to help improve the operation of voucher programs using human-centered design. We worked in five countries - Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. We also designed and conducted a unique five-day design workshop in Nairobi, Kenya that brought together all the representatives from the respective programs co-create unique solutions to the challenges of managing voucher programs.

A voucher is a form of output-based aid. This is aid that pays for the service delivered rather than the infrastructure to deliver the service as in traditional aid.

We actually made a documentary for Population Council as a unique way to communicate the research and context of the program. You can watch the full documentary below:

Kadi: Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time

We also made a behind the scenes video about the process.

Storytelling is such a critical part of any project. We've experiment with different forms of communicating results despite much skepticism. Making Kadi was not easy, but ultimately everyone involved realized that using film brought to life the project and its results in new ways.