Shoot The Moon

Shoot The Moon
Photo by Mike Petrucci / Unsplash

Have you ever heard of a space elevator? Probably not. But, space elevators have captivated many a space nerd and a few science fiction writers. If you've seen the new series on Apple TV Plus, Foundation, then you've seen the space elevator (called Star Bridge in the series) in all its FX glory including the elevator's destruction. Foundation is based on Issac Asimov's five short series.

We are making a film (yet to be officially be released) chronicling the efforts of Michael Laine to build a space elevator on the moon. Contrary to popular opinion, this project is still very much alive. There is a near final cut with a runtime of about 1 hour 20 mins inclusive of the special effects.

Making a film is a tortuous process. But, insanely fulfilling. You might spend a 200 hours for 1 minute of screen time. There are so many functions to coordinate to produce a film (good or bad). There so many people to collaborate with to get to the final product. If you had asked me what a colorist was prior to starting this journey, I would have answered somebody that loves coloring books. Shoot the moon has been especially difficult because what is the end? We aren't likely to see a space elevator in our lifetimes or even in the lifetimes of my great grandkids. Does that make it any less interesting to explore? Ultimately, Shoot the Moon is about the people in our society that dream big despite the odds. We call them crazy. But, without dreams is there progress. Check out more about Shoot The Moon at our Kickstarter page.

If you want to grab a film poster, visit Thomas at the Chop Shop.